According to Feeding America more than 2.4M New Yorkers classify as food insecure statewide. Approximately 250,000 people on Long Island suffer from food insecurity– including 79,000 children. Nearly half report having to choose between paying their rent or utilities and paying for food.
For many years the HIA-LI has made it a top priority to run an Annual Food Drive. At one point, with our members contributions and support, it grew into the largest Business food drive on Long Island. Our commitment still stands. Please read below and find out how to join us, with our partners, in the fight to help the food deprived.
September is Hunger Action Month but Long Islanders face food insecurity all year long! With the challenges of the pandemic and the ever-changing economy, more and more Long Islanders are facing hunger. Without even leaving your office, you can make a difference by supporting our partners at Long Island Cares, Inc. and Island Harvest; please see the details listed in the flyers below. What better way to show pride in your business than making a donation from your entire company that will benefit your neighbors? We will also be including information about food drives and other collections through the year. Thank you so much for your attention to this dire situation; we look forward to working with you in the fight against hunger!